版主: Jeff, Korping_Chang
Runner 寫:up4 寫:不知大人可有模擬過的 FET 全推挽 電路?
目前只看過梁老大有畫過... 只是數值要用 $ 買... 努力中
要聽FET全推挽可以來找我,Chanson 5服役中。
tedyliu 寫:Wensen,
I think you statement maybe yes but maybe not.
Please refer to the material as posted by Dr. Leach on his web side about explaining the circuit of low-TIM at
Please refer to the book "Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits" (2nd ed.) by Paul and Robert in Section 3.4 ~ 3.6 if you want to know more analusis on differential amplifiers.
The output voltage swing may be adjusted by degenerating resistor (it is 300 ohm in your circuit). It was designed by Dr. Leach as he thought linear amplification for 1V differential voltage is enough to reach low-TIM. If you want wider linear region, it may accomplished by increasing this degenerating resistor values. However, the cost is less differetial gain. I am sorry to reply you in English as my Chinese typing is slow.
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